Designing Our Next Strategy
Welcome to our internal website devoted to the Strategy 2028 design journey.
The website contains a snapshot of our reflection points and the outputs of the exciting two-year journey to decide our joint priorities, goals and ambitions.
The design process started in December 2020. It aimed to be disruptive, inclusive and participatory.
The process is led by the Committee for Strategy, Investment and Policy (C-SIP), which is made up of IPPF volunteers and sector stakeholders.
IPPF members are in the driving seat, providing ideas, opinions and passion through-out the process.
“The strategy design is an historic opportunity to reorient and reposition IPPF so that we truly stand out for standing up for an intersectional philosophy on love, intimacy, sex, pleasure and care. [It is] a chance to re-think how we work and relate to each other.”
IPPF Board, December 2020
8 responses to “Strategy 2028”
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Personnellement ,j’apprécie toutes ces initiatives entreprises par la fédération.
De cette manière, je souhaite plein succès à notre fédération
This is a historic moment to stand out and be counted among the world giants with a healthy resource base as a stable democracy with a united and prosperous world nations. Long Live IPPF, LONG LIVE.
We are onboard the journey to work together on how to contribute to everyones freedom to decide over ones body and sexuality regardless of wealth and power!
Meaning RFSU in Sweden!
Exciting times indeed as we progress towards making SRHR core to every response.
Totoka (nice/beautiful).
Thank you for a lot of interesting roundtables that we have learned a lot from.
Is there an indicative date for the release of the draft framework?
Tor, IPPF Norway (Sex og Politikk)
Yes. the first draft of the framework will be shared following the C-SIP meeting at the end of February. We will then have several months of consultation with the Federation to produce the next drafts.
La réforme institutionnelle et stratégique actuellement en cours au sein de l’IPPF est une évolution majeure. L’impact attendu devrait contribuer à :
– améliorer la portée des actions menées,
– mieux répondre à la demande en SDSR,
– proposer une meilleure offre des services de SDSR,
– impliquer encore plus les pouvoirs publics, et susciter plus d’intérêt des hommes pour la PF,
– promouvoir et consolider l’intégration des services de SDSR dans le paquet de SSP (ou PHC),
Avec impatience est attendue l’aboutissement de ce processus d’enrichissement très porteur.