To love somebody IPPF Strategy 2023-28

Image of a Woman

Date: 30/09/2021


Feminist gender transformative responses as essential to advance SRHR and Gender Equality


Covid-19 has exacerbated the situation of inequity and injustices in our world today, with devasting impact on vulnerable populations, especially women and girls. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights has been a game changer, in breaking down barriers, particularly gender injustices and inequality, and transforming the political, economic and socio-cultural context of nations – towards more democratic and thriving societies.

The Roundtable will present three key drivers which are critical to advancing SRHR: 1) feminist grounding; 2) cross movement partnership; and 3) gender transformative approach. It will engage participants in a conversation on vital gender sensitive and transformative responses as essential to advance gender equality and SRHR in our world today.


Date Thursday 30 September

Time 13:00-14:30 UK time

Languages Interpretation will be available in Arabic French, English and Spanish


Albanian Center for Population and Development (FPAA), Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation (CFPA), and Family Planning Association of India (FPAI)

Introduction by

Amelia Zawangone, Member of IPPF Board Committee for Strategy, Investment and Policy. She is a stay-at-home mom and is doing her second Masters degree on Social Justice and Human Rights. An MA volunteer, Amelia Zawangone recently worked with the World Health Organization, as a Consultant for Gender Mainstreaming within Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) of Mozambique’s Health Services. Previously, she worked for the UNFPA, including as Technical Advisor for key populations, teenagers and young people; and worked as a Technical Advisor for Pathfinder International. From 2007 to 2010, Amelia was the Deputy Coordinator of the Multisectoral Sexual and Reproductive Health Program – Geração Biz at the Mozambican Association for Family Development (AMODEFA). Amelia is now a volunteer with AMODEFA. She holds a Master’s Degree in Population and Development from Eduardo Mondlane University. Amongst the skills required for the PSIC, Amelia can point to a strong understanding of SRHR and related fields expertise relating to evaluation; expertise relating to evaluation; and a track record of interfacing with donors and policy makers. She is from Southern Africa, specifically Mozambique, and is currently located in the USA.


Dr Anjum Rizvi, Director of Programs, Rahnuma-FPAP has diverse experience for more than 25 years in SRHR program management with experience in strategic planning, integrated communication, capacity building, behavioural coaching, report writing, budgeting, implementing and controlling. She is gender vocal person in FPAP and has affluent experience of liaison and working with govt.departments, NGOs, vulnerable groups, key populations and institutions responsible for implementing SRHR interventions. As a Director of Programs Implementation, she is supervising a number of SRHR projects implemented at FPAP across Pakistan.

Roundtable Members

Dr. Kalpana Apte is Executive Director, Family Planning Association of India (FPAI). She has been been a development professional in Public Health, particularly Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights for 23 years. Areas of experience include planning and implementing clinical and community based intervention that deliver health, particularly sexual & reproductive health services, address stigma and discrimination around abortions, HIV AIDS, Sexual orientation and also intervention aimed at Gender equity and equality including strategies to mitigate Gender Based Violence.

Her particular interest and skills are to conceptualise and implement large District or Block level SRHR including family planning intervention that deliver results. As a Programme Team leader she has led FPA India teams to develop two strategic Plans ( 2005-2009 ) and ( 2011-2015) and have been responsible for ensuring developing aligned annual activity & budget plans and its implementation; led the donor funded project development and implementation.

Elona Gjebrea Hoxha – RGC

Dr Elona Gjebrea Hoxha, President of Albanian Center for Population and Development. She is a biologist and served six years as Director of Albanian Center for Population and Development previous to becoming President of the Member Association. She served as Deputy Chair of Women’s Alliance of the Parliament of Albania and Deputy Minister of Interior Affairs and National Coordinator against Trafficking in persons, before becoming Member of General Assembly of Socialist Party of Albania.

Sherlina Nageer is a queer, cis-gender, Guyanese eco-feminist whose life and work aims to challenge the patriarchy, shatter stereotypes, bridge differences, create community, and empower persons to take positive action. She earned a Bachelors degree in Biology from the University of Chicago and a Masters in Public Health from Emory University and has worked on child health, environmental justice, local policy, and non-profit management. Sherlina currently lives in Guyana where she engages in grassroot mobilization and advocacy around issues of sexual and reproductive rights and health, economic justice, sustainability, and transformative leadership.

Rev. Patricia Sheerattan-Bisnauth is the Chief Executive Officer of the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation and former Executive Director of the Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association. She is a feminist theologian and social justice activist who specializes in sexual and reproductive health and rights. Pat has a keen interest in gender, racial, economic and climate justice. 

Pat was the first woman in the Guyana Presbyterian Church (GPC) to study theology and was ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament in January 1984. She has served in pastoral ministry and as the Moderator of the GPC.  

Pat has degrees in Ministerial studies, Religion and Society and Social Work.  She has published more than twenty articles and has edited eight books, including two gender manuals. 

Arjon Taipi is a youth activist in the Albanian Center for Population and Development and marketing student at university of New York Tirana. Arjon has been active in trainings, workshops and seminars for 3 years, most specifically in the fields of human rights, sexual reproduction, minorities in the European youth parliament. Arjon is a peer-to-peer educator and keenly shares knowledge and experience of civil society activism.

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