To love somebody IPPF Strategy 2023-28


Date: 06/10/2021


Intelligence against opposing groups to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and LGBTQI+ rights


Planned Parenthood Global


October 6th, 2021


09:00 – 10:30 am Colombia time



Interpretation will be available in Arabic French, English and Spanish


A recent article by Amy Zegart in Foreign Affairs highlighted the emergence of a world of open-source intelligence. Doing intelligence – almost an exclusive field for governments over a long time is becoming a field in which civil society is actively participating. New technologies and social media have played a key role. In recent years, researchers, journalists, and academics have turned to the monitoring and investigation of opposition groups. This roundtable will be the opportunity to talk about spies like us.

Introduction by

Dana Hovig, Member of IPPF’s Committee on Strategy, Investment and Policy.


Brigida Lanzillotto, opposition researcher for Planned Parenthood Global. Author of weekly opposition bulletin “Antinoticias Centroamérica” focus on tracking and analyzing opposing SHRH and LGBTQ+rights in Central America and México. She has a degree in Psychology with a master in Psychosocial Research and Clinical Intervention. Activist. Promoter of access to sexual and reproductive health for women with disabilities.

Roundtable Members

Annah Kukundakwe, Programme Officer, Campaigns, Partnerships and Networks at CEHURD. Annah works under the Campaigns, Partnerships and Networks Program. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences from Makerere University. She is an energetic and passionate advocate for girl child empowerment and elimination of all forces that deter adolescent girls and young women from realizing their full potential and living fulfilling lives.

Graciela Tiburcio Loayza (@Graciela_Jimena) | Twitter

Graciela Tiburcio, Journalist at Wayka. Feminist journalist specialized in communication with a gender perspective. Co-author of the research series “Negocios de Fe”/Business of Faith that revealed the economic power and political networks of the anti-rights among “Don’t mess with my kids”/No te metas con mis hijos”

Francy Cifuentes, Director, IPPF Opposition Hub, Planned Parenthood Global. She has a Law Degree and started her career working in Costa Rica on gender based violence and after moving to Colombia, she has been working on building capacity responses to opposing groups to SHRH and LGBTQ+ rights. Her work included attending anti-rights events in several countries, monitoring and analyzing opposition strategies, writing reports and providing technical assistance to organizations. Francy has also worked with different guilds mapping stakeholders and opposition. Currently she is leading the strategy to reduce the impact of opposition groups at Planned Parenthood Global.

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