To love somebody IPPF Strategy 2023-28

Re-imagining SRHR

Love, Sex, Intimacy, Care and Pleasure

At their November 2020 meeting, the IPPF Board expressed a strong desire for the Federation to confront, re-think and re-imagine the idea of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights for all. The new strategy should help to move us beyond outdated metrics and frameworks to present a new vision for the Federation.

In seeking to re-imagine a language that moves SRHR beyond Cairo, we want to hear from you. What does SRHR mean in your lived realities, in your day-to-day relations and relationships? Instead of only highlighting the symptoms and the ills, how can we also speak of the beauty and promise of SRHR for all? A world where we are healthy, where we are free, and where our bodies are our own. SRHR holds so many promises, among them the fulfillment of love, sex, intimacy, care and pleasure.

Over the course of this process we will ‘asset frame‘ SRHR and use terms that lift us up and appeal to our common sense of good and right.

Help us talk about the beauty of SRHR. In the boxes below tells us what Love, Sex, Intimacy, Care & Pleasure means to you. Write a single word in each box.

When I think of Care I think of

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Life safety medical care Self-preservation healing parent trust HUGS reliance inclusion love trust trusy trust assurance santé assurance humanity wellbeing Health Care

When I think of Love I think of

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Life life family Comfort life beauty husband love love Touch happiness attachment affection CHERISH fun communication unconditional bonheur kindness trust Honesty happiness relationships companions partners husband boyfriend partner mutual-understanding companionship Peace companionship Individuality caring health freedom hugs Happiness girlfriend Hearts love girlfriend cloud peace peace peace peace love love love Love

When I think of Intimacy I think of

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Life skin-to-skin belonging beeing be yourself closeness Touch TRUST closeness giving of myself closeness Sharing touch trust skin-to-skin friendship bonding together closeness Sacred bonding safety humanity us holding Peace love Intimacy holding-hands feeling touching kissing intimacy

When I think of Pleasure I think of

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Life desire desire excitement chocolate Peace HAPPINESS desire joy Sex feeling yes Touch desire satisfaction consent Pleasure trust comfortability consent Lust happiness rights sex pleasure kissing kiss touching laughing laughing Pleasure pleasure

When I think of Sex I think of

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Desire consent unification play dialogue of bodies youth ENJOYMENT pleasure connection enjoyment fun Safety jouissance sex passion release Physical Sex